Blogging for what reason?

blogging sugarfixedHave you ever thought about why you’re blogging?

I have several friends who are currently and/or occasionally blogging but when I had my chance to ask why they’re doing it, the simple answer was, “Honestly, I dunno.”

If you’re gonna ask me, well, writing has always been a passion for me. I once believe that I am married to words and thoughts. And those were some of my favorite past times when I was younger. To think and to write. Once in a while, it’s a duly duty why I write but I am convinced that I can express myself better in writing than speaking. Well, I am not sure if that is still the case.

“You have a gift.”

I remember Miss Sidon, one of favorite teachers ever,  saying that to me and I definitely know that time what she was referring to. It was my writing. I think she has her reasons she said that other than the obvious ones like ttending the NSPC (National Secondary Press Conference) twice and won several major awards including BEST FEATURE PAGE (which is my page, by the way. Hooray!! ). And I believed her.

That time, I am more introvert than I am now. Maybe after realizing that I can express myself better in writing, I practiced speaking and expressing myself that way, so I sort of neglected writing. singing, amongst many others. After several years, I am deciding to go back to that habit of writing and I’d like to think that the LAW of ATTRACTION still works for me for my heart is still yearning to win a prize for PALANCA.

Lemme work on that. 🙂





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2 thoughts on “Blogging for what reason?

  1. Mars nag National Schools Press Conference ka rin pala! Same here! Sa features din ako nun baka nagkasama pa tayo.

    More power to your blog! Hurray for writing!

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