Life-hacking: Ningas-kugon…

There are days in your life when you will feel that something is lacking in your life and just can’t seem to figure out what it is. Well, think again when you start asking yourself this question, is this the life that I want?

I had this weird feeling yesterday, right after getting out of the bed I went outside my room, looked around and felt a sudden  rush of sadness. Maybe part of it was the mix of anxiety and excitement about my moving to our new house real soon. Or maybe I’m just being unsatisfied with what I am or what I have right now, I think I should start doing something else. Einstein said, ” Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is insane.”  (sigh)

2012 is a fruitful year for me, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that 2012 is a stepping stone for me to achieve a better me and by now I have to work on getting one step closer to the life that I want. So the void comes from the question, what else should I be doing?

I spent my day  trying to think about that and finally got my answer. I know that I tried to be productive last year but I this year, I am determined to plan and EXECUTE! I guess that is what I have to work on this year. I will do my goal setting and will set deadlines to avoid that “ningas kugon” syndrome. ( I’d like to believe sometimes that  being able to multitask is a curse. And I have this weird assumption that I have a hyperactivity disorder which results to not being able to focus on one thing till I finish it. I have to do something about that too.) But while thinking about how to solve my weird assumptions, I formulated a scheme, I will make my 2013 planner work for me. Plan ahead, schedule my activities and to-dos so I can track my progress in my quest of healing my “slacker mode”.

I guess most of us are guilty of being a slacker or a ningas-kugon at times, we may feel that there is nothing wrong with that at first but then when that “void” settles in, then there comes the problem, worst is when you start to feel depress, incomplete or unsatisfied. My solutions?

1. Have a list of your ‘to-dos’ and do one thing at a time. When you are trying to finish something, continue doing it till you’re done? NOT. Instead, do something until you’re satistied.

2. But what if you can’t stay away from multi-tasking? Have a note beside you of what you are trying to accomplish at the same time. This will somehow guide you on your inevitable multi-tasking. It would help if your tasks can be done in one place. Let’s say, at 10-11 a.m. you need to check your emails, answer them, download some files and upload some. Write it on a small note pad use some apps that will serve as your reminder. I prefer to use my Stickies.

3. Remind yourself that procrastination will not only eat your time away but also your big chance of fulfillment. Assess your gains and be motivated by it. Believe that whatever you’re doing right now has an indirect or direct effect on your life in the long run. So prioritize and do the things that will help you achieve your better self.

4. Reward yourself when you actually finish something. Well, I don’t know about you but a nice and quiet 5-minute break or nap or maybe a bar of Snickers is all fine with me after finishing anything. I guess it all depends on how to keep yourself motivated.


You Can Only Give What You Have

2013 started very fruitful for me, not only for my photography but for my band, Vanity, as well. Yesterday, while waiting for our first set, Angge, Shaad and I had this quick chat on how we plan on becoming a better person this year. I told him that I’ m taking my time learning to let go of control then shared some of my insights on how I plan to execute it. When I asked him about his mantra, he said, “Ate, share love.” I have to admit that at first I find that idea to be vague but then again, once you think about it, you’ll find out that it totally makes sense and applies uniquely for each person.

In my case, for example, I find it coherent to what I’m trying to accomplish this year, letting of control, since change is only possible within yourself. So realistically, not having to ask for love to be returned is letting go of control said in a different way. Makes sense.

And when I said that you cannot give what you don’t have, it is to remind you that LOVE is within you. You are born with it. SHARE IT.


Welcome 2013!

And so there it is… 2013 is already here and I have tried welcoming alot of changes since new year in my endevour to being a better person.

I felt the need to find myself again, and improve it some more because of the sole intention of keeping my words after December 21st,

After today, I will try to live my life everyday as if it were my last.’

And all I want for myself is a last day that I consciously lived through. Something that I truly experienced and will be remembered.

I definitely had the most difficult time finding what my first entry will be until I came across this wonderful article that talks about your real intentions of ‘letting go of control ‘. Now, I have to admit that, that is something difficult to do on my part. So I guess giving a conscious effort to actually do this will be a great leap for me and will do me a great favor to actually find my serenity.

In that article I read an intention prayer that made an impact of why I should have my intentions of letting things be and accepting other people for who they really are instead of constantly trying to change them.

I will be crossing my fingers for now and will be writing about it later. 🙂_MG_1895 copy up wm


( One of my fireworks photos. Latest attempt! lol!)